Trusted results since 1970

We have empowered thousands of researchers to achieve the most trusted and precise results. Our attention to detail and exceptional engineering capabilities are in our DNA. You can trust that everything in our equipment lasts and delivers the most consistent and solid data you need.

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Results you can trust

Over 5,000 published scientific papers cite us – more than all of our competitors combined.

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Service you can trust

Our commitment to service lasts through the life of our products. 

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Performance you can trust

Our in-house teams engineer and manufacture superior-quality instruments delivered on time and customized to your specific research needs.

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Precision you can trust

We devote over 50 years of experience to designing and manufacturing the best scientific instruments to yield the best results.

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Expertise you can trust 

We invented instrumentation for metabolic phenotyping and automated respirometers for environmental research.

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Principles you can trust

Let's work together to build a healthier and greener world powered by science.


We were founded in 1970 by Dr. Jan Czekajewski, Ph. D., who designed and produced the first cardiac output computer based on the thermodilution method. Initially intended for use with Swanz-Ganz catheters, competition forced us into preclinical research applications. This niche led to success, and we received a US patent for its design. Expanding our line of cardiac output computers, it introduced the first commercially available photocell activity monitor for measuring locomotor activity.

Soon thereafter, the activity meter measured activity levels and anxiety in the Open Field, Light/Dark Transition, and Exploratory Hole Poke tests. After three years of development, we created the Oxymax Indirect Calorimeter in 1985 to measure basic metabolism. As leaders in this field, we continue developing, refining, and customizing this technology.

Scientists in a laboratory
Scientists in a laboratory

In 1989, responding to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the EPA contacted us to develop a more sensitive version of its Oxymax System to measure microbes’ respiration in oil-contaminated samples to aid remediation and cleanup research. The result was the Micro-Oxymax Respirometer and a patent for its Closed-Loop measurement method. In 2001, Columbus Instruments further developed its Oxymax Indirect calorimeter to measure other parameters, including food consumption and activity levels related to energy expenditure.

Since then, the Oxymax-CLAMS has evolved to offer additional parameters beyond food and activity, becoming the premier system used by pharmaceutical companies and universities for metabolism research.

From our CEO

In March of 2021​, we purchased Columbus Instruments because of its seasoned team, sophisticated engineering, strong global reputation as the undisputed leader in the industry, and the life-changing results these systems produce. Our customers include research universities like Stanford University and Imperial College of London, pharmaceutical companies like Eurofins Scientific and Pfizer, and governmental organizations like the EPA and Watercycle Research Institute.

We manufacture all of our products at our facility in Columbus, Ohio. Our team of 10 engineers, with collective backgrounds in electronics, software, mechanical, and biomedical engineering, develops our systems in-house. We are improving our pioneering products, creating new product lines, and expanding internationally.  

I am committed to developing exceptional equipment at Columbus Instruments and creating a culture of high performance, trust, and long-term success​. We want our customers to experience our systems' performance, service, and impact so you can continue delivering trusted results that improve our world. 

Scientists in a laboratory

Ewout Leeuwenburg, President and CEO of Columbus Instruments​, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Orka Group

Trust us

Contact a member of our sales team.

We would love to answer any questions, discuss customization options, or help with your order. We look forward to hearing from you.

Columbus Instruments - US & Canada

950 N. Hague Ave. Columbus, OH 43204 U.S.A.

[email protected]

614 276 0861

800 669 5011

Columbus Instruments - UK & EU

Landscape House, Landscape Road, Churchtown, Co. Dublin, D14 A6P3 - Ireland

[email protected]

353 1 685 2288

Our Global Network

We sell directly to customers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. We also partner with distributors, re-sellers, and authorized service centers in the following countries. If there are no representatives in your area, please contact our US office directly.

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Our Values

Our Mission

We empower research scientists to break boundaries in Life and Environmental Sciences.

Our Vision

A healthier and greener world powered by science.


We are obsessed with performance and committed to the best data quality possible. 

We aim for the state of the art in every solution. Our attention to detail and exceptional engineering capabilities are part of our DNA, so you can trust that everything in our equipment will last and deliver the most consistent and solid data points.

As founders of this field over 50 years ago, we have helped researchers publish over 5,000 leading results—more than all of our competitors combined. We prioritize innovation and continuous improvement, ensuring that our products consistently meet the evolving standards of the research community.​ We are committed to the quality and longevity of our equipment and its ability to achieve the best data possible. 


We will support you every step of the way.

We are flexible, approachable, and attentive to every project's particular needs. That’s why our product is customizable, and our team is only a call (or visit) away. 

We understand the needs of researchers and provide superior support, service, and training to ensure an optimal user experience for our clients during the life of our products. Our knowledgeable team works to understand each researcher's unique challenges and fosters collaborative relationships built on support and trust.​ From your introduction to Columbus Instruments through the installation and lifecycle of your equipment, we are here to answer any questions or solve any issue you may have. We will support you every step of the way, and our problem-solving customer service team is here to help you. 


We enable relevant progress in science.

We care for our customers, and we care about the work our customers are doing. It’s not about just a piece of equipment. We are here to enable relevant progress in science, and that’s why we’ll always walk the extra mile to provide the best quality and most data-rich study results. We recognize the importance of your research and design our instruments to help you achieve meaningful results that contribute to advancements in your field. 

Trusted by more than 100,000 scientists to break boundaries in Life Science and Environmental Research

Instruments and resources from the early stage discovery, until the most accurate study results.



scientific citations

Serving all


continents with life-changing research discoveries

Trusted by more than


scientists around the world

Columbus Instruments is a private manufacturer of instrumentation for monitoring behavior and physiology in lab animals (non-human) as well as instrumentation for Environmental Research. The company is based in Columbus, Ohio and sells its products world-wide both directly and through a number of private foreign representatives. Columbus Instruments offers over 70 products but is most known for its Oxymax line of gas analyzers, Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS), respirometers, activity monitors, grip strength meters, Rotarods, and rodent treadmills.


Columbus Instruments was founded by Dr. Jan Czekajewski, Ph.D., who designed and produced one of the first cardiac output computers based on the thermodilution method. Originally designed to be used with Swanz-Ganz catheters, larger companies locked up the human market and forced Columbus Instruments into pre-clinical research applications. This is where Columbus Instruments found its niche and subsequent successes. Columbus Instruments soon expanded on its line of cardiac output computers with the first commercially available photocell activity monitor for measuring locomotor activity in rodents and was awarded a US patent for its design.

Eventually, the animal activity meter would lead the way for standardized tests for measuring activity levels and anxiety such as the Open Field Test, Light/Dark Transition test, and Exploratory Hole Poke test. In 1985, after 3 years of development, Columbus Instruments further diversified their catalog by creating the Oxymax Indirect Calorimeter for measuring basic metabolism. Over time the system was further refined since then for use with rodents. Today the Oxymax System can accommodate a wide range of animal sizes up to cows and horses (Oxymax-XL).

Scientists in a laboratory
Scientists in a laboratory

In 1989, in response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Columbus Instruments was contacted by the EPA to develop a more sensitive version of its Oxymax System to measure respiration of microbes in oil-contaminated samples in which to aid the research behind the site’s remediation and cleanup. The Micro-Oxymax Respirometer was the result of that effort and was awarded a patent for its Closed-Loop measurement method. In 2001 Columbus Instruments further developed its Oxymax Indirect calorimeter to also measure other parameters such as food consumption and activity levels as they relate to energy expenditure.

Oxymax-CLAMS has evolved since that time to offer many additional parameters beyond food and activity and has become the premier system used by pharmaceutical companies and universities for rodent metabolism research.


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